Our Team

Quality Education

We aim to provide the highest standard of care and education for your child, we have a secure recruitment and safeguarding procedures.

Qualified Staff

Majority of our staff have early years qualification and current paediatric first aid qualification. All our staff hold safeguarding qualifications at different levels. 

 Balanced Ratio

We ensure our ratio always meet the legal requirement of 1:3 for under two years olds, 1:4 for two years olds and 1:8 for 3-5 years old. 

Key Person

All staff build relationship with our children and care for them collectively so parents can approach any member of our team to discuss their children’s progress.

Key Person

We have a key person system so each child and parent can have a person to form an attachment to and share information. The key person observe and assess the children.

We support children and families with SEN and also children who have English as an additional language. Parents can always make an appointment to meet with your child keyworker.

We provide a fair balance of adult led, as well as child initiated and freely chosen activities.


Our setting have an online digital EYFS record of children learning journey. Staff will observe children using photo taking during activities, children next steps for learning will be shared with parents and parents can contribute toward the children learning by uploading learning done outside of the settings this will help to support our holistic approach in our children learning journey.

Home Learning

Children will be given homework and a book with a reading record to support home learning, its aims are to improve outcome for children by boosting learning at home and making links between nursery and home. 

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